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What is Ostarine? A Deep Dive with Blood Work.

Enobosarm, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), is the most studied compound in its class and has officially entered into clinical phase III trials for R+, ER+, HER2- Metastatic Breast Cancer. As its trade name implies, Ostarine is also in trials for its aid in helping people with Osteoporosis and to combat muscle wasting. Join us as we go over its use, including benefits and side effects, and what muscle gains to expect while taking Ostarine.

What is it?:

It is a partial agonist of the Androgen Receptor (AR) gene. This means that it is semi competitive and will, along with endogenous testosterone, bind to a-androgen receptors within the body. The selectivity of this SARM means that it specifically targets skeletal muscle, and has been proven in trials to help "Women treated with 9 mg or 18 mg of enobosarm reported to have an improvement in quality of life, including mobility, anxiety or depression, and pain discomfort."

How is this compound useful in the gym and in daily life mobility?

Similar to Testosterone, Ostarine helps build lean tissue, namely functional muscle, while improving body composition. In fact it is heavily touted as a cutting SARM for weight loss and due to it's protective effects on muscle, and milder anabolic/androgenic profile of 10:1.

The Good:

There is a lot of good things to say about Ostarine, one is that unlike it's cousin SARMs (which all have less clinical studies designating their safety) it is only a partial agonist, instead of a full agonist of the Androgen receptor. What this means is that while it won't pack on muscle as quickly and substantially as drugs like Ligandrol or Rad140, it won't be as suppressive on your body's natural testosterone levels and can be used for a few months without noticeable effects on your all too precious T levels.

Surprisingly, it does have quite the anti-depressant effect. I was always in a strong posturing state and wanting to stand up straight with my shoulders back with strong resolve while on this compound. The huge difference you'll notice with this drug is that you'll be hard pressed to get sore from lactic acid buildup in the gym.

You'll lift stronger, connective tissues will also get a good boost, and muscle will grow at a faster rate and with less needed recovery time. Another great benefit of Ostarine is the fact that it won't aromatize into estrogen, meaning it won't convert into excessive estrogens in the body so there isn't a need to take an aromatase inhibitor that might be needed in a heavy steroid cycle. In total I've run this compound for a cumulative year (all in 3 month cycles) and have not suffered prolactin related side effects such as gynecomastia. I've taken prescriptions that have lead me to the development of gyno, so I know my body is prone to it, but never on Ostarine even in the slightest which is a huge benefit over other compounds; and this peace of mind alone is a huge selling factor that many guys worry about. Also I never noticed any testicular shrinkage either, which is fantastic news.

What I've found:

8 weeks of continuous use of 30mg/day Ostarine (always in conjunction with Ibutamoren) there was no noticeable suppression. If you want to get away seemingly scot-free while running Ostarine then I'd say stop at the conclusion of week 8 and go back to regular off cycle lifting for the next 4 months.

*Copyright © 2020 Roch, Henkies, Carstens, Krischek, Lehmann, Komrakova and Sehmisch.

The good thing about Ostarine is that you keep your gains. While other more potent SARMs like Rad140 and LGD4033 can balloon you up real quick, I've seen anecdotal evidence first hand that after coming off the compounds muscle gains diminish quick significantly. The good thing about Ostarine is that it is a partial agonist that will work in tandem with Testosterone over shorter cycles and when you get off the compound, you'll more often than not stay the same weight. Some aesthetics will not hold the same, but muscle mass and size wise Ostarine is good about keeping muscle that was advertised in the mirror before cycling off. I've run this compound for many cycles and it's very predictable in that fashion.

12 week transformation on 30mg Enobosarm (MK2866) and 25mg Ibutamoren (MK677) daily

Side note: running this compound over the long term will eventually lead to a plateauing effect (this is due to down-regulation of expression of the AR gene), but 1 or 2 full cycles on this SARM go a long way in radically transforming an untrained body to a fit specimen if coupled with an on-point diet and exercise routine. I highly recommend the professional training found over at IronOak Fitness.

The Bad:

It doesn't convert to DHT or fill the role that Testosterone plays in the body. This means that it won't regulate normal body processes that are handled by endogenous Testosterone in the body. This means that your body will shut down or slow production of testosterone while taking this compound orally. In my experience somewhere between week 9-10 I noticed libido, energy, and confidence drop significantly and pushing it to the full 12 week cycle recommendations of the workout programs I was on made me feel skiddish, out of energy and wishing my testosterone levels would be back at their normal levels. This finding was consistent throughout the multiple times I've run this compound. One thing to note is that at 30mg, it is x2-x3 times stronger than heavy clinical trials. It may prove advantageous as many other users report that at 15mg you will gain the same added benefits without as much suppression. I'd bet this is likely true, more is not necessarily better, so something a little shy of 30mg per day could go a long way in its lessened suppression effects and the potential length of added benefits of a longer cycle.

It is metabolized by the liver, so after a cycle it is important to take things that are healing for the liver such as Milk Thistle, and also avoid drinking or other liver toxicity causing drugs while taking this product. 


One note when using any of these anabolic androgens, whether they are tissue selective orals like Ostarine or simply regular injected Testosterone is there effect on your blood lipid profile. More specifically, these compounds will lower your HDL Cholesterol, also known as the "good" cholesterol. Just because it is a liquid compound taken by mouth does not make it side effect free.

So why does this happen, and what does it mean for muscle growth?

In straightforward terms, cholesterol plays a vital role in enhancing the resilience of your muscle cells, enabling them to better recover after your workouts, which is essential for promoting muscle growth. Additionally, cholesterol indirectly contributes to enhancing your gains by serving as the precursor for anabolic hormones and being pivotal in their synthesis.

The primary anabolic hormones associated with cholesterol include:

  • Testosterone: The primary sex hormone found in men, which has significant effects on muscle tissues, promoting muscle growth and protein synthesis, leading to increased muscle mass and strength.

  • Estrogen: Primary hormone found in women but is also present in men. It has anabolic effects on bone density and overall body composition.

  • Progesterone: Plays a role in the female menstrual cycle and pregnancy, and while not typically associated with muscle growth, it contributes to overall anabolic processes in the body.

Since cholesterol is a precursor to these sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) as well as other steroid hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone, the complex interplay of different functions in the body help regulate processes related to anabolism: such as metabolism, inflammation, electrolyte balance, and tissue repair. It is important to cycle your SARMs to give your body plenty of recovery time to restore balance before hitting your body with more androgens. Without proper recovery of your lipid profiles the creation of endogenous Testosterone, you will be affected, and you will feel the lagging effects such as low energy, libido, mood, and depression.

My Low HDL and elevated AST liver enzymes while on Ostarine

While SARMs are able to function on muscle and bone tissues, they are not able to complete the necessary functional processes in the body that Testosterone as the original bodily steroid can do. If you choose to run a SARMs only / oral cycle it is important to limit exposure time to 8-12 weeks (in my experience 8 weeks without noticeable side effects, but this will vary per person) and then take at minimum the same amount of time to recover, but I'd caution to say 5-6 months between to give your body ample time to recover. If you choose to run it along with Testosterone the timeline for cycles and your natural bodily processes time frame can potentially be extended, but this article will not go into those details as it is best to work with a Doctor on proper administration and testosterone levels chosen.

In conclusion, Enobosarm is a pristine compound that can significantly aid in muscle growth and recovery time in the gym. Proper protocols and appropriate dosing and time on the compound are pivotal in gaining the most out of your usage, while at the same time minimizing the harmful downsides such as elevated liver enzymes, degradation of HDL lipid profile, and lower energy and libido when used in longer spans. Benefits of this compound for gym performance include no hair loss, no gynecomastia, no testicular shrinkage, and no need for needles. And of course significant muscle growth in the gym.

Overall I give this SARM a rating of:

Ostarine Overall Rating: A

*Legal Disclaimer: The use of research compounds is hazardous and the long term effects are still in development. Taking Enobosarm or similar drugs may negatively effect your health. Potentially even lead to hospitalization or death, please use descretion, weigh the risks, and of course follow local laws regarding possession or consumption.